Presidential Diversity Hiring Initiative

Your task: Promote your campus as a welcoming and supportive place to work, live, and thrive

Vice President James Wimbush has asked that each campus host a web page for prospective faculty that casts the university communities in their best light—as great places to live, work, and thrive.

Your web page should be hosted on the Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI) office site with links from Academic Affairs and HR. will include a link to the campus sites.

Key messages: Campus qualities you should emphasize

  • Research/teaching resources
  • Supportive Institution, helps faculty grow as scholars, and values each as an individual
  • Diverse student population, diverse community
  • Sense of belonging: Teaching matters, ideas matter, and being part of the process of creating common good is important
  • Great community to raise a family
  • Balance and quality of life
  • Culture that encourages and supports diverse perspectives and voices

How to structure your page

  • A community you can call home
  • Why IU/campus voices from diverse faculty (quotes, video, images, etc.)
  • IU resources and attractions that make it easy to connect academically and socially
    • Library
    • Campus centers, events, programs that support DEI
  • Explore the community
    • Arts and culture
    • Entities that support DEI in the community
  • Helping you make a life here
    • Relocation services
    • Housing
    • Child care
    • Health care
  •   Dual Career Resources
    • Campus Positions
    • Community employers

Project timeline

December 20, 2021: Draft content outline

No later than January 3, 2022: Web page template to share with the regional campuses and centers

January 4-31, 2022: Campuses customize

February 1, 2022: Web pages live

Drive traffic to your campus' Presidential Diversity Hiring Initiative page

Customize and offer the following copy for your HR and Student Affairs web site to drive traffic to your page:

[Campus] is a diverse and welcoming place to live, work, and thrive. Learn more about our supportive climate for teaching and research, our wealth of campus and community cultural resources, and our commitment to a healthy work/life balance.

Have a question about this initiative?

Contact Elizabeth Blevins